Learn how to cancel or reschedule services, including policy details and potential fees.
What happens if I need to cancel my service within 24hr?
Cancellations made with less than a 24hr notice will result in a full charge of the service cost (up to $100.00), if no attempts to reschedule the service are made or desired. Please ensure you promptly notify us for any changes. For more information, please refer to our cancellation policy.
Can I reschedule my service?
Certainly! Please note, if you need to reschedule with less than 24 hours' notice, a 50% charge may apply. To reschedule, reach out to your technician or do so on your service screen
What if I have an emergency and need to cancel?
We understand that emergencies happen. In cases of documented emergencies or unforeseen circumstances, we consider exceptions to the cancellation policy at our sole discretion and offer alternative resolutions such as free rescheduling. It's crucial to promptly communicate your situation and provide evidence to support your claim. Please reach out to us through the provided contact information, and we will work with you to find a suitable solution.
How many times can I reschedule my service?
You are permitted to reschedule a service (with a >24hr notice) up to 3 times without incurring additional charges, but all reschedule attempts must be within 30 calendar days of the originally scheduled service.
Can I cancel a service that a previously rescheduled?
If you wish to cancel a service that was previously rescheduled within 24hr of the service, a cancellation fee equal to the total cost of the service (up to $100.00) will be charged. Please refer to our cancellation policy for details.
Can I cancel my service?
You can cancel your service through your job overview or by contacting us. Please refer to our cancellation policy for refund terms.